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1. What is the purpose of the `react-router-dom` library?
2. What is the difference between `BrowserRouter` and `HashRouter`?
3. How do you create a route in React Router?
4. How do you pass parameters to a route component?
5. How do you redirect to another route?
6. How do you handle 404 errors in React Router?
7. What is the difference between `exact` and `strict` in route matching?
8. How do you use React Router with authentication?
9. What are the benefits of using React Router?
10. How do you create a nested route in React Router?
11. How do you use the `useHistory` hook?
12. How do you use the `useLocation` hook?
13. What are the different ways to pass state between routes?
14. How do you use React Router with Redux?
15. What are some best practices for using React Router?