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A collection of common JavaScript algorithm questions with answers.
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1. Given an array of integers, find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray.
2. Given an array of intervals, find the minimum number of intervals to cover a given range.
3. Given a graph, find the shortest path between two nodes.
4. Given a string, find the longest substring without repeating characters.
5. Given an array of integers, find the k smallest elements.
6. Given an array of intervals, find the maximum number of intervals that can overlap.
7. Given a list of strings, find the longest common prefix.
8. Given a binary tree, find the inorder traversal.
9. Given a list of strings, find the longest common substring.
10. Given a string, find all the possible permutations.
11. Given a binary tree, find the maximum depth.
12. Given a binary tree, find the level order traversal.
13. Given an array of integers, find the maximum subarray sum using divide and conquer.
14. Given an array of integers, find the subsets that sum to a given target.
15. Given an array of integers, find the longest increasing subsequence.
16. Given an array of integers, find the pair of elements that sum to a given target.
17. Given a string, find the longest palindromic substring.
18. Given a list of intervals, find the interval that contains a given point.
19. Given a list of intervals, merge the overlapping intervals.