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Object Oriented Programming

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Important object oriented programming questions asked in interview

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1. What is Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)?

2. How much memory does a class occupy?

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3. What are the different types of Polymorphism?

4. What is Encapsulation?

5. What are the main features of OOPs?

6. What is an interface?

7. Can we overload the constructor in a class?

8. What is Inheritance? What is its purpose?

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of OOPs?

10. What is the difference between Structured Programming and Object Oriented Programming?

11. What is an abstract class?

12. What are the various types of constructors in C++?

13. What is an Object?

14. What is Constructor?

15. Are there any limitations on Inheritance?

16. What is a destructor?

17. What different types of Inheritance are there?

18. Is it always necessary to create objects from class?

19. What is Polymorphism?

20. How is an abstract class different from an interface?

21. What is Abstraction?

22. Why OOPs?

23. What is a Class?

24. What are access specifiers? What is their significance in OOPs?