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Here is the most asked Object Oriented Programming Interview questions
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1. What are the differences between constructor and method of a class in Java?
2. What are the different types of Polymorphism?
3. What is Polymorphism?
4. What is Abstraction?
5. What are access specifiers? What is their significance in OOPs?
6. What is a shallow copy and a deep copy?
7. What is a Class?
8. What is Constructor?
9. What is an interface?
10. What is Parameterized Constructor?
11. What is the diamond problem in multiple inheritance?
12. What is a destructor?
13. What is Copy Constructor
14. What is Inheritance? What is its purpose?
15. What are the Object Oriented Features supported by Java?
16. What is Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)?
17. What is an Object?
18. What is Encapsulation?
19. What is the difference between local and instance variables in Java?
20. What is the difference between overloading and overriding?
21. What is the super keyword?
22. What is an abstract class?
23. What is Default Constructor?
24. What different types of inheritance are there?
25. What is ‘this’ pointer?