1. Define Redis.
2. What is the difference between Redis and Memcached?
3. What are the main data structures supported by Redis?
4. Explain the concept of keys and values in Redis.
5. What is the difference between Redis Sentinel and Redis Cluster?
6. Explain the use of Lua scripting in Redis.
7. What are the key performance considerations for optimizing Redis performance?
8. Explain the concept of data persistence in Redis.
9. What are the security considerations for using Redis?
10. Explain the role of Pub/Sub in Redis.
11. What are the advantages of using Redis as a cache?
12. Explain the concept of data expiration in Redis.
13. What are the different replication modes available in Redis?
14. Explain the use of transactions in Redis.
15. What are the key features of Redis Streams?
16. Explain the concept of modules in Redis.
17. What are the different ways to monitor Redis performance?
18. Explain the use of Redis for geospatial data.