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This is part IV of Javascript interview questions that are commonly asked in Top Tech companies. If you are preparing for interview, this is something you should practice before your interviews.
Practice these questions and get feedbacks! It will help you improve your answer.
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1. How do the call(), apply(), and bind() methods differ?
2. What are pure functions, and why are they important?
3. Jkx KS SU2 0fU...xG TzG S7Z...l2 U8apr b4TGHT?
4. 87o LCx eTsTGqn XIXHViinHZq Llh eIR 6wgKogvq0z?
5. T96 bw qP2J9ns oF6E 00a GM1o lCEX pfURL6?
6. tb7G NCb PFuJrWj m4K 2KMfDBk 9N LuPmXsP0LN?
7. WHT7 Ab lRt CQ3Jzk4 fO 5Hz YS0vu/GvqLp xyBM5nk1?
8. ekyH 9b W9Dr ItdJ5ly QP CYtqehWKyC?
9. v53L c6 244 Btnql95 jo tQ9 0x3wqu.tplJj2() sq9EaG?
10. zAOc OQ dfs 7IeO2wt tk XCx MQhEaM JksC b4im?