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🌟 20 Popular Java questions to practice!

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These are 20 top Java questions that are quite frequently asked in interviews. Practice them and prepare better! Comment on what specific topics you want more question sets.

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1. Describe the principle of encapsulation in Java.

2. How do checked exceptions differ from unchecked exceptions?

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3. What is the distinction between the == operator and the .equals() method?

4. Describe the concepts of method overloading and method overriding.

5. Explain the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM.

6. What are the access modifiers in Java?

7. Describe what polymorphism means in the context of Java.

8. What is the importance of the main() method in Java?

9. What are the main features of Java?

10. How is garbage collection managed in Java?

11. What distinguishes an interface from an abstract class?

12. Describe the concept of multithreading in Java.

13. Describe the concept of inheritance in Java.

14. What is the role of a constructor in Java?

15. What is the function of the 'static' keyword?

16. What distinguishes an ArrayList from a LinkedList?

17. How can you manage null pointer exceptions in Java?

18. How does Java handle exceptions?

19. What is the function of the 'final' keyword in Java?

20. What is the difference between String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer?