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Important coding questions

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Important technical Interview coding questions asked in service-based companies

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1. Write a Program for Fibonacci Series.

2. Write a Program to Find Weather the Number is Palindrome or Not.

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3. Write a Program to Reverse a Number.

4. Rotate Array

5. Write a Program to Find the Duplicate Number in Array.

6. Write a Program to Reverse Each Word in a String.

7. Leap Year

8. Write a Program to Count Words in a String

9. Is Subsequence

10. Majority Element

11. Remove Element

12. Write a Program to find Factorial of a Number.

13. Remove junk or special characters in a string

14. Write a Program to Remove all the White Space in a String.

15. Length of Last Word

16. Write a Program to Search an Element in Array (Linear Search).

17. Write a Program to Find Second Largest Number in Array

18. Write a Program to Find Weather the given Number is Prime Number or Not.

19. Write a Program to Reverse a Number.

20. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

21. Longest Common Prefix

22. Binary Search

23. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

24. Write a Program to Check Number is Armstrong Number.

25. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II

26. Write a Program to Find the Duplicate Number in Array.

27. Write a Program to Find Weather the String is Palindrome or Not.