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This document contains a list of common Docker networking questions and answers.
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1. How do I map a container port to a host port?
2. What is the difference between a Docker bridge network and an overlay network?
3. How do I connect a container to a host network?
4. How do I forward traffic from a host port to a container port?
5. How do I inspect a Docker network?
6. How do I connect a container to a Docker network?
7. How do I remove an overlay network?
8. How do I connect a container to an overlay network?
9. How do I create an overlay network?
10. How do I create a host network?
11. How do I remove a host network?
12. What are the different types of Docker networks?
13. How do I inspect an overlay network?
14. How do I inspect a host network?
15. What is the difference between Docker networks and host networks?
16. What is the difference between port mapping and port forwarding?
17. What is the difference between a Docker host network and a container network?
18. How do I create a Docker network?
19. How do I remove a Docker network?